The Simplest Wordpress Blog, Part 2

This is the second part of my simple wordpress tutorial, this will go through showing the blog post, the comments section and the search functionally. Putting this tutorial together with the last you’ll have a completely unstylized functioning blog, which you can add all the styling you want.

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The Simplest WordPress Blog

So I like to start all my Wordpress theme designs with a very simplistic Wordpress base and then add all the complicated functionality found in my themes. I think it is a useful learning tool for the beginner to get used to Wordpress programming. So here’s my guide for setting up a really simple blog.

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Explorer 16 LCD

As a follow up to my previous article on the Explorer 16 board we’ll look at displaying a string on the LCD screen supplied on the board in a very similar manner to the serial connection function. In fact we’re going to use the standard output of the c standard library to be able to output to the serial port or the LCD screen. The LCD screen is a very important peripheral for displaying useful information and for quickly debugging programs and doesn’t require a connection to a computer, which is handy.

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Beginning With the Explorer 16

So I’ve found it very helpful in the past to teach others things that I have quite a lot of experience in as quite often I learn a few things and at the same time observe a different perspective on a problem, which is very important to a job where problem solving is paramount. So here’s my beginners tutorial on programming the 16 bit PIC24F family chip on the Explorer 16 board, which by the way is a pretty awesome board to work with. So I’m just quickly going to show how to light an LED and communicate with the computer via the serial port, these things actually reward the user very quickly with some actual physical output. So here it goes:

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Qt Etiquette

So I have been using Qt now for about six months and I have to say it is one of the best frameworks I have ever used, it seems very complete, the documentation for it is amazing and even the Qt IDE: Qt Creator is awesome. Some of the really useful things I find are the signal and slot mechanism, the widget methodology and the expanse of widgets available. So I feel pretty confident with Qt now and just though I’d share some information that I learned along the way that may or may not be included in the documentation, the sort of info only found by experience. Hopefully this helps a few people out, so here it goes.

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c++, qt

Encryption Libraries

Recently I was working on a small personal project and I was in need of a quick and easy encryption library that would be able to do quite a few different encryption algorithms. My only real prerequisites were that the library had to be in c++ (well c would do but I’d prefer it to be in oop form), the encryption algorithms had to include AES 128 and it had to be cross platform. I was quite surprised at how few encryption libraries there were for c++. The three mainstream cross platform libraries that I found were crypto++, Botan and QCA (Qt Cryptology Architecture) (there was also the OpenSSL library but that is written in c).

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